COBRA Evolution 2 Car Body Repair Welding Station 13K c/w 8677 TE "X" Gun "5127,5137,5192,5183 Arms & Accessories
Single Gun Package Includes: 8677 TE "X" Gun

13kA direct current welding station with inverter technology M.F. 25 kVA. (1000 Hz)
The NEW EVOLUTION 2 INVERTER welding system retains those features which made TECNA’s welding systems versatile and reliable:
- Independent double program.
- Water-cooling.
- Pneumatic functioning with simultaneous connection of two tools and automatic recall of the relevant memorized welding program enabling to save time, avoid errors so to have a simple and safe working process.
The NEW EVOLUTION 2 welding systems for car body repair are equipped with last generation’s Fast Guns, pneumatic guns providing maximum pressures up to 700 daN.
The NEW EVOLUTION 2 welding systems are designed for car body shops repair works.
– spot welding with “C” gun with quickly replaceable exchangeable arms, twin spot, water-cooled and non water-cooled single-sided gun;
– welding of nails and washers for sheet straightening (spotter function);
– localised heating with carbon electrode
By means of the inverter technology that allows a constant and high welding current, not influenced by the variations of the supply voltages and by the secondary circuit conditions, the quality of the spot is improved also on galvanized sheets.
The high current value allows to save time resulting in a longer electrodes life. The reduced absorption balanced on the three phases reduces the connecting costs.