
Weld Star - Dual Core HF 55-O Wire (1.2mm) 15kg

Availability: In stock
Order Code: 6011100361

Features and Applications

Metal cored tubular wire for self-shielded metal arc hardfacing.

High chromium cast iron deposit containing a high proportion of hard primary chromium carbides in a tough austenitic matrix.

The deposit is suitable for hardfacing components subject to extremely severe abrasive wear and moderate impact.

Relief checking is normal and does not affect the properties of the deposit. However it is recommended putting down only two layers unless impact loading is small.

Multi-layer deposits are possible in specific applications.

Precision layer wound for superior wire feeding characteristics.

Typically used on gyratory crusher cones and mantles, catalyst pipes and valves, slurry pipes and valve bodies, dredge pump bodies, sand dredge parts, extruder screws, “barmac” crushers, mining and earthmoving equipment, blast furnace bells, brick muller tyres, crusher hammers and rolls, riddle plates, wear plates, drag line components, screw conveyors for cement, cone knives and shredders, etc

Test Certificates can be found online


EN ISO 14700 - T Fe15


Chemical Composition % (Typical)
C% Mn% Si% P% S%
5.5 1.2 1.7 0.008 0.010
Cr% Ni% Mo% Fe% Nb%
28.0 0.15 0.04 Bal 0.020

Structure is primary carbides and eutectic carbides of the M7C3 type in an austenitic matrix.


Hardness (HRC)
Current Type
Hardness - Third Layer
DC+ 58-64

Mechanical properties are approximate and may vary based on the heat, welding parameters and other factors.


Wear Type Suitability


Welding Parameters
Ømm Current (A) Voltage (V)
1.20 mm
100-250 21-28
1.60 mm 160-320 24-30


Welding Positions

EN ISO 6947 - PA


Packaging Data


Spool Pallet Qty

1.20 mm

1.60 mm

15 Kg

15 Kg





Liability: Whilst all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained, this information is subject to change without notice and can be only considered as suitable for general guidance.

Features and Applications

Metal cored tubular wire for self-shielded metal arc hardfacing.

High chromium cast iron deposit containing a high proportion of hard primary chromium carbides in a tough austenitic matrix.

The deposit is suitable for hardfacing components subject to extremely severe abrasive wear and moderate impact.

Relief checking is normal and does not affect the properties of the deposit. However it is recommended putting down only two layers unless impact loading is small.

Multi-layer deposits are possible in specific applications.

Precision layer wound for superior wire feeding characteristics.

Typically used on gyratory crusher cones and mantles, catalyst pipes and valves, slurry pipes and valve bodies, dredge pump bodies, sand dredge parts, extruder screws, “barmac” crushers, mining and earthmoving equipment, blast furnace bells, brick muller tyres, crusher hammers and rolls, riddle plates, wear plates, drag line components, screw conveyors for cement, cone knives and shredders, etc

Test Certificates can be found online


EN ISO 14700 - T Fe15


Chemical Composition % (Typical)
C% Mn% Si% P% S%
5.5 1.2 1.7 0.008 0.010
Cr% Ni% Mo% Fe% Nb%
28.0 0.15 0.04 Bal 0.020

Structure is primary carbides and eutectic carbides of the M7C3 type in an austenitic matrix.


Hardness (HRC)
Current Type
Hardness - Third Layer
DC+ 58-64

Mechanical properties are approximate and may vary based on the heat, welding parameters and other factors.


Wear Type Suitability


Welding Parameters
Ømm Current (A) Voltage (V)
1.20 mm
100-250 21-28
1.60 mm 160-320 24-30


Welding Positions

EN ISO 6947 - PA


Packaging Data


Spool Pallet Qty

1.20 mm

1.60 mm

15 Kg

15 Kg





Liability: Whilst all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained, this information is subject to change without notice and can be only considered as suitable for general guidance.