
Weld Star - ER 410 Stainless Wire (1.0mm) 15kg

Availability: Out of stock
Order Code: 6011100371

Features and Applications

Stainless steel wire designed to weld stainless steels of similar composition, including deposition of overlays on carbon steels to resist corrosion, erosion and abrasion.

ER 410 contains sufficient carbon to enable air-hardening transformation of the weld metal to a  predominately martensitic microstructure.

Preheat and postweld heat treatments are required to achieve welds of adequate ductility for many engineering purposes.

Ideal for welding or repairing 12% Cr air-hardenable stainless steels like types 410, 416, 420, 431 and cast C-15.

Precision layer wound for superior wire feeding characteristics.

Typically used on applications for heat furnaces and turbine part production etc.

Test Certificates can be found online


Typical Base Materials

Wrought or cast martensitic, types 403, 405, 410, and 416 stainless steel*

* Illustrative, not exhaustive list


EN ISO 14343-A - G 13
AWS A5.9 - ER 410


Chemical Composition % (Typical)
C% Mn% Si% S% P%    
0.015 0.55 0.48 0.004 0.028    
Ni% Cr% Mo% Cu%      
0.37 12.90 0.08 0.15      


Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength ≥450 MPa  
Yield Strength ≥250 MPa
Elongation ≥15 %

Mechanical properties are approximate and may vary based on the heat, shielding gas, welding parameters and other factors.


Welding Parameters - M12
Ømm Current (A) Voltage (V)
0.80 mm 40-120 15-20
1.00 mm 80-160 16-22
1.20 mm
100-210 17-23


Welding Parameters - M13
Ømm Current (A) Voltage (V)
0.80 mm 160-210 24-28
1.00 mm 180-280 25-30
1.20 mm
200-300 26-32


Shielding Gases

EN ISO 14175 - M12, M13


Welding Positions

EN ISO 6947 - PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF


Packaging Data


Spool Pallet Qty

0.80 mm

1.00 mm

1.20 mm

15 Kg

15 Kg

15 Kg







Liability: Whilst all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained, this information is subject to change without notice and can be only considered as suitable for general guidance.

Features and Applications

Stainless steel wire designed to weld stainless steels of similar composition, including deposition of overlays on carbon steels to resist corrosion, erosion and abrasion.

ER 410 contains sufficient carbon to enable air-hardening transformation of the weld metal to a  predominately martensitic microstructure.

Preheat and postweld heat treatments are required to achieve welds of adequate ductility for many engineering purposes.

Ideal for welding or repairing 12% Cr air-hardenable stainless steels like types 410, 416, 420, 431 and cast C-15.

Precision layer wound for superior wire feeding characteristics.

Typically used on applications for heat furnaces and turbine part production etc.

Test Certificates can be found online


Typical Base Materials

Wrought or cast martensitic, types 403, 405, 410, and 416 stainless steel*

* Illustrative, not exhaustive list


EN ISO 14343-A - G 13
AWS A5.9 - ER 410


Chemical Composition % (Typical)
C% Mn% Si% S% P%    
0.015 0.55 0.48 0.004 0.028    
Ni% Cr% Mo% Cu%      
0.37 12.90 0.08 0.15      


Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength ≥450 MPa  
Yield Strength ≥250 MPa
Elongation ≥15 %

Mechanical properties are approximate and may vary based on the heat, shielding gas, welding parameters and other factors.


Welding Parameters - M12
Ømm Current (A) Voltage (V)
0.80 mm 40-120 15-20
1.00 mm 80-160 16-22
1.20 mm
100-210 17-23


Welding Parameters - M13
Ømm Current (A) Voltage (V)
0.80 mm 160-210 24-28
1.00 mm 180-280 25-30
1.20 mm
200-300 26-32


Shielding Gases

EN ISO 14175 - M12, M13


Welding Positions

EN ISO 6947 - PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF


Packaging Data


Spool Pallet Qty

0.80 mm

1.00 mm

1.20 mm

15 Kg

15 Kg

15 Kg







Liability: Whilst all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained, this information is subject to change without notice and can be only considered as suitable for general guidance.